Kitsiri De Silva

Kitsiri believes that art therapy is not about perfecting a technique or focusing on the finished product, rather, it is an ongoing process of exploration and experimentation and that through engaging in various art modalities we access subconscious layers where wisdom can be found.

He has been facilitating creative expressive therapy for twenty years. Working in many mental health settings and specialising in using multi-modality art therapy, which uses multiple forms of art in one session, to encourage moving from the analytical mind to a greater ‘flow state’, accessing the subconscious and opening the heart. 

In a typical art therapy session, a client may have an over-arching issue they want to deal with. They set a goal they want to move towards that is unique to each individual session. An art modality is offered that initially utilises the client’s current energy, achieving a variety of purposes such as grounding, energising, creating focus, stabilising, and releasing. Depending on how the client engages with the material, we may move to other modalities. There are many different ways of helping a client gain wisdom and direction from their engagement. 

“I am interested in who my clients are and use themes and resources that are uniquely suited to them. Using these matching themes goes a long way in the therapeutic process. I also love to introduce new ideas that can open their hearts and minds, energise and inspire them.

I have a playful yet grounded nature and highly value the ‘flow state’ a client can get into, where they ‘lose themselves’ in what they are doing, just melt into the experience”

Kitsiri’s mission is to provide a variety of resources and techniques to people, to create spaces where they can be curious, explore and discover who they are and what they can express. To open their hearts and minds through this process. 

Qualifications & Training:

  • Bachelor of Arts Psychotherapy