Samantha Crosby


Sami Crosby brings over two decades of social work experience and a passion for supporting adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. With a warm and collaborative approach, Sami creates a safe space for clients to explore their healing journey.

Sami believes in the importance of personalised therapy, incorporating multiple healing elements to create a unique and holistic experience for each individual.

With 23 years of experience, Sami has worked across various settings including health, mental health, community, legal services, and prisons. She specializes in supporting adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and individuals experiencing recent sexual assault or childhood trauma.

Sami’s sessions prioritise safety, connection, and trust, incorporating laughter and personalised activities to foster relaxation and presence. Clients are empowered to contribute ideas and activities to their sessions.

Sami’s approach is rooted in kindness, open-heartedness, non-judgment, and compassion, creating a supportive environment for clients.

Sami holds a Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) from the University of Western Australia and is a certified clinical trauma professional. She integrates talking therapy with breathwork, mindfulness, nervous system education, and somatic inquiry.

Sami is passionate about guiding clients towards self-compassion and inner body wisdom through accessible healing tools such as nature, breath, music, and movement.

Sami’s mission is to integrate somatic (body) inquiry into healing alongside traditional talking therapy, providing a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being.